MEC SANKEN Osaka university, Fujitsuka Laboratory


Fujitsuka Laboratory

Molecular chemistry using light and radiation

“Molecular excitation chemistry” based on photo- and radiation- induced chemistry of organic and inorganic compounds has been investigated from both basic and application points of view. The following research projects are underway with respect to developments of photo- and radiation-controlled chemistry and bioscience, functional materials, ultra-sensitive analytic and diagnostic methods, based on photochemistry and radiation chemistry. For students, we welcome your applications on master course students to join our lab as research students (6 months to 1 year), master course students (2 years), or doctoral course (PhD) students (3 years).


For prospective international students,

Send an E-mail with the following information.
mec-staff @

Name :
University :
Present position: under the BACHELOR or MASTER course.
Will you be “a MASTER or DOCTOR course student” in Osaka university.
When would you like to enroll in Osaka university?
How did you find our group? (ex. web-search, reading an article, or an intorduction from your supervisor.. etc)

International Student Admissions in Osaka university



    MEC SANKEN Osaka university

    Fujitsuka Laboratory

    〒567-0047 Mihogaoka 8-1, Ibaraki, Osaka

    E-mail: mec-staff  @